20 Things To Know Before Getting Lip Filler For The First Time
1) Decide What You Want

Some women have unrealistic expectations when it comes to getting lip fillers. The last thing you want is the overfilled lips. Start small. Discuss your goals with your doctor to know the outcome, the number of sessions needed, and how long the results will last. Most importantly, deciding whether to go from thin to fuller lips would be best. You should also consult a dermatologist about getting Botox and other fillers. They will help you set realistic goals.

20 Things To Know Before Getting Lip Filler For The First Time

2) The Results Won’t Last Forever

Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which eventually dissolves in your body. The maximum your results can last is 2-3 years. Unfortunately, no cosmetic treatment can reverse or stop aging altogether. If you are wondering, “How long do lip fillers last the first time?” It depends on a zillion factors.

3) Physical Preparation is Equally Important

Once you know what you want, the next step is to prepare physically. Your doctor will instruct you regarding what you should not do before getting lip fillers. Usually, you should stop taking aspirin and other blood thinners a week before lip fillers. They can result in bruising after the injection. Avoiding alcohol and cigarettes is also advisable. If you would like more information, you can contact your dermatologist.

4) Never Settle for Cheap

Due to the increasing demand for this cosmetic treatment, many retailers have started keeping dermal fillers. Just to remind you, you need to get these fillers from someone who has the medical training and is qualified to inject them.

5) Don’t Expect Kylie’s Look 

Everyone has a unique mouth shape and anatomy. Do not walk into a dermatologist’s clinic thinking your post-injection look will be like Kylie Jenner’s. The best you can do is talk to your doctor about what you want and let the specialist do the rest. Sometimes, it may take a few sessions to get the desired lips from lip filler injections. Sometimes, it may only take one lip filler injection to achieve your desired look.

6) There are many Cosmetic Fillers

Dermal fillers contain a high concentration of hyaluronic acid naturally found in our skin. Juvaderm is just one option. There are plenty of them, and each offers a different look. Juvéderm, for example, is your best bet if you want voluminous lips. Restylane is for “I want to get fuller lips, but it shouldn’t look obvious.” These injectables are also used for facial wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, and neck. Depending on your goals, the doctor will recommend a filler that fits your preference and budget. You can also research different dermal fillers, their cost, and before-and-after pictures to know your options.

7) Results are Immediate

Are you wondering what to expect the first time you get lip fillers? Once the doctor has injected the filler, your lips will look swollen for a short while, and the swelling might last 1-3 days. You will see the results within a week. Don’t worry if your lips look overinflated after the treatment—it’s normal.

8) It Hurts a Little

When injected, they feel like a pinch. That’s why doctors apply a numbing gel before injecting dermal fillers. A topical anesthetic is optional, though. Slight discomfort and a sting-like sensation when the filler is injected are normal. You should know that the doctor mixes dermal filler with a local anesthetic to minimize the pain.

9) You can Resume Your Routine Life Afterwards

You can return to your everyday life right after the treatment, although the swelling and bruising might last up to 5 days. So, it’s best to avoid dermal fillers before an important event. Ask your doctor if you can resume your workout. Avoid strenuous activities and facial movements that may stress your lips for the first 24 hours.

10) The Lips Do No Feel Different

Contrary to what people think, your plumped lips feel the same as your natural lips as long as the fillers are correctly injected. They may look different regarding volume, but they feel the same.

11) Bruising Doesn’t Mean the Treatment hasn’t Gone Well

Mild bruising after any dermal filler injection is standard. Some people leave the doctor’s office without marks or swelling, while others may get purple lingering bruise spots. That doesn’t mean the fillers are injected incorrectly. Give it some time (3-5 days), and it will disappear. Bruising-reduction creams are available for those who want these marks to fade quickly. You can use concealer or lipstick to cover the bruises.

12) Use Ice Bags for a Massage

A massage with ice bags can minimize swelling, lumps, and bumps on the treated area. However, ask your doctor before using anything on your lips. When the swelling disappears, it leaves small lumps. Just massage them gently. Don’t massage immediately after getting fillers, though. It would be best to ask the doctor when getting a lip massage is safe.

13) Use Medication for Cold Sore

People with a history of cold sores and other lip infections must discuss them with their doctors before getting lip fillers, as fillers can trigger these infections. The doctor will prescribe medication you must start 2-3 days before the scheduled treatment. Stop taking Vitamin E supplements, fish oil, blood thinner, and other drugs that might interfere with your dermal filler treatment. If you are currently on medication, give the list to your dermatologist a week before your treatment.

14) Cosmetic Fillers are Not Cheap

The Insta look you are trying to achieve doesn’t come cheap. These fillers are priced per syringe. The thicker the injection you choose, the higher the cost. Juvéderm and Restylane are most famous for lip treatments, costing $400-$800 per syringe. Juvéderm Ultra Plus is for those needing a thicker, more long-lasting cosmetic solution. It can cost up to $700 per syringe.

15) It Requires Minimal Aftercare

You will find tons of articles discussing the challenging after-care requirements for dermal fillers. Fortunately, that’s not true. You need to stay away from blood thinners for a few weeks. The doctor will massage your lips with a cold pack and recommend the same for a few days following the treatment. Get a bruising and swelling-reduction topical from a medical store if you have severe swelling.

16) You can Get it Dissolved

Sometimes, the results are different from what we expect. If you are unsatisfied with the results, the doctor can dissolve the hyaluronic acid to restore your lips to a standard shape. Nearly all dermal fillers—Juvéderm, Restylane, VOLUMA™, and Volbella—are made of hyaluronic acid. These can be dissolved using hyaluronidase, an enzyme that metabolizes hyaluronic acid quickly.

17) Know How Long They Last

Now that you know lip fillers are not permanent, you might wonder how long they last precisely. Ideally, lip fillers should last anywhere between six months and two years (some fillers can last three years). How long the results last also depends on the patient’s anatomy, metabolism, injectables used, the level of plumpness you want, and the dermatologist. This is something nobody can tell. Some people may need the fillers every six months, while others go long without fillers (up to a year).

18) Go Small for a Natural Look

If you want a natural look, go small. Fuller lips can be achieved over time by gradually adding more filler to your lips, i.e., every few months. Don’t expect any dramatic change if you want a natural look. These treatments are reversible, so you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you can get back your normal lips if the treatment isn’t working.

19) You can Do it at Home Too

We won’t recommend this, but topical lip gloss containing hyaluronic acid, peppermint, and mint can help you achieve temporary plumped lips. Of course, the results are not as great as the lip injections you get from a certified dermatologist, but it’s safe to try.

20) Choose a Certified Physician

Your results from dermal fillers also depend on your chosen physician. Always choose a qualified, trained, and experienced doctor with a proven track record in helping patients achieve their desired look after fillers. Check their qualifications credentials on their website or get referrals from people who’ve undergone similar cosmetic treatments.

best cosmetic injections before holiday
best cosmetic injections before holiday

Bottom Line

Research the best lip filler doctor in Los Angeles, CA, and schedule an appointment with Dr. Sarshad. Discuss your expectations, before and after care, cost, and other factors.