what hould you know about vitamin b12 injections

what should you know about vitamin b12 injectionsIn some cases, the physician might recommend these vitamin supplements for patients having trouble absorbing vitamin B12 through food. This happens due to an existing medical condition or poor diet. Whatever the cause of the deficiency is, oral and injection supplements are considered safe and viable to treat the issue.

Injections are prescribed to people who’ve undergone gastric bypass surgery or have a medical illness that affects their body’s ability to digest vitamin B12.


What Exactly are the Vitamin B12 Shots?

Vitamin B12 is responsible for your brain functioning and making red blood cells. So, a deficiency not only causes neurological problems, but it makes you anemic. If your body can’t absorb the vitamin through food and starts showing the symptoms of deficiency, your doctor might prescribe vitamin B12 shots. The injection has proven effective in treating B12 deficiency.

One shot of B12 contains approx 100 micrograms of the vitamin, 40 times the amount of this vitamin recommended for a healthy adult every day. Vitamin B12 deficiency is found in people who have had weight loss surgery, as it affects their body’s ability to digest and process specific vitamins.

Vegan people are also at high risk of this deficiency. So, these people must take daily shots of vitamin B12 to prevent anemia.

So, how quickly does the B12 shot work?

Vitamin B12 shots work faster than any oral supplement. The results are seen within 2-3 days of the injection. However, a patient may need several dosages to correct a deficiency. It can take up to 3-4 months to reverse vitamin B12 deficiency and restore the red blood cell count to normal.


Vitamin B12 Injections Dosage and Frequency

The dosage can vary from patient to patient. It depends on the condition you want to treat. For a regular patient with vitamin B12 deficiency, the doctors usually start with a high dosage. One shot of vitamin B12 has 100 micrograms of vitamin, which is enough for any healthy adult. Initially, the patient is recommended one shot daily for a week. Then, seven shots are given on alternate days. The doctors then give one dose every month until the deficiency is reversed fully. The shot is injected into your muscles through thighs, buttocks, and shoulders. It is given under a doctor’s prescription either in the outpatient setting or at your home.

Vitamin B12 shots are completely safe, as any excess amount passes through the urine. So, there is no risk of overdose. These vitamin injections rarely cause any side effects. If you experience an allergic reaction, talk to the physician immediately.


Vitamin B12 Injections for Weight Loss: Are They Effective?

We see new weight loss trends emerging now and then. Vitamin B12 shots have gained immense popularity among people suffering from overweight issues. People believe that B12 injections can speed up their weight loss and help them achieve weight management goals. But, do they work?

People claim that vitamin B12 can increase your energy levels and improve your metabolism. Even though there is limited research on the effects of Vitamin B12 on your body fat, it does affect your fat metabolism.

B12 deficiency can cause fatigue and poor metabolism, which can be the cause of your sudden weight gain. Poor metabolism means your body stores a considerable amount of fat, making you gain extra pounds.


How Often Do You Need B12 Shots for Weight Loss?

Vitamin B12 improves your metabolism, which in turn helps with weight control. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lower your metabolism, store fat in your body, and burn fewer than normal calories. These factors increase weight gain problems in people. How often you need the vitamin B12 dosage depends on the deficiency level and whether you are anemic. A higher dosage is recommended initially, followed by one shot every week and then one shot a month for a few months until you achieve your weight loss goals.

Surprisingly, studies have shown the benefits of vitamin B12 injections on people suffering from weight gain and obesity issues. For example, a study proved that a higher level of vitamin B12 in your body could lower your risk of developing obesity significantly. Another study that included 256 children showed that those with a deficiency of vitamin B12 had a higher than average body mass index.

These studies clarify that vitamin B12 does promote weight loss. Medically, vitamin B12 shots are only for people suffering from B12 deficiency. It is also used as an antidote to cyanide poisoning. As mentioned earlier, in patients suffering from anemia (a condition in which your body is unable to produce adequate red blood cells), vitamin B12 injections can be used as a treatment. For more information about the dosage and frequency of vitamin B12 injections, contact a physician offering vitamin B12 injections in Los Angeles, California.


Other Benefits of Vitamin B12 Injections

People also get vitamin B12 shots for improving their body functioning. In addition to helping you with the weight loss management plan, these injections have a host of benefits for your mental and physical health.

People who get vitamin B12 shots are highly likely to experience a good mood and better concentration. However, there is little research on this vitamin’s effect on your mental health. They should never be used as an alternative to therapies and medication.

Vitamin B12 restores your energy. It is pretty effective in treating fatigue, exhaustion, and other problems that occur due to low energy levels. It is also linked to healthy skin, the generation of new skin cells, and a flawless complexion.


Feel free to contact Dr. Sarshad in Los Angeles, California offering vitamin B12 prescription and shots.

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